Friday, August 12, 2016

Dogs are better than cat. Why?

Have you ever wondered an interesting animal facts question: why we love dogs much more than cats? Here are the reasons:

1. Cats go MIA
Dogs want to see you every day, all the time every day if they could. At the very least they like to know where you are. Cats disappear for days on end, sometimes you haven’t seen them for so long you’re not sure if they’re missing or just out. What’s the point?

2. Dogs bark 
Just to say hello or to let you know the postman is here or that the house is burning down. Cats make a noise only if they want something or if you do something for them – a rare meow or the odd potboiler purr (I don’t trust any animal that can vibrate).

3. Cats are creepy
Let’s not disagree about this, it’s true. Not for nothing does the archetypal witch travel with one on her broom. Dogs are open, cats keep it hidden.

4. Dogs are happy 
Happy to see you, happy to be alive, just happy. And they make you happy. Cats are happy too but they will never show it or share it.

5. Cats get pleasure from hurting you
On the rare occasions moggy makes it onto your lap you’ll end up in pain as the cat paws and claws you with delight. You, so pleased to actually be in contact with your pet, puts up with it and show off the scratches as a badge of honour. Sick.

6. Dogs know important stuff
Like when you’re sad or ill and will act accordingly. Cats don’t even know you’re alive, and yet you still have to spend money on them.

7. No need for food recycling 
Never feel guilty about out of date or left over food again, your dog will willingly take care of it for you. Cats only want to be fed delicious morsels carefully selected for them and served up by beautiful women like Eva Longoria and Christina Hendricks, they won’t eat your plate scrapings.

8. Dogs welcoming soldiers home is literally the most adorable/wonderful/beautiful thing ever. Please direct me to a cat who would ever behave like this after their owner has been at war.

9. Dogs help save endangered animals. 
Dogs are saving the world, one whale at a time. A black lab mix named Tucker, for example, has been trained to help scientists track killer whales by sniffing for their poop. By studying the whale feces, researchers can see how pollution is affecting certain whale populations.

10. Dogs may prevent people from developing allergies and asthma
Children exposed to "dog dust" may be at a lower risk for developing allergies and asthma later on in life, based on a study in mice. Dog dust seems to contain microbes that influences the number of immune cells in the animal's airway that respond to allergens.

Other animal facts tiger information for kids
Posted by huskydogfacts

Friday, August 5, 2016

The interesting thing about snakes

Smell the tongue, but not chewing teeth property, the ability to fly in the air is one of the interesting things about snakes.
About 3,000 species of snakes that exist on the planet, of which about 450 species are poisonous. 250 snakes have venom strong enough to can kill.

Anaconda snake is the largest snake (often called python) to 12,3m long, also the smallest snakes are snakes muba -la-half (brahminy blind snake) only 0,9cm long. 

Snakes have two lungs, liver long as the stick, kidneys and intestines are long. A quarter of small anal snakes, scaly tail cover and a piece of bone.

Smell is the most sensitive senses of snakes. We smell the tongue. Thanks to the blade shaped like a fork, snakes can determine the direction of the odor. But without the ability to hear but snakes can sense sound vibrations. Solid very poor eyesight. 

Snakes and pythons have micro-pe Thermal agency on top, help them realize the changes in temperature to 0.002 ° C, making them capable of prey without seeing, even in the dark. All snakes are good swimmers problem. Though no sea snakes and also rarely brings surfaced. We use the oxygen dissolved in the water to breathe. 

Most snakes have teeth, with two rows of two rows in the upper jaw and the lower jaw. But snakes do not chew because the teeth are incurve in. These teeth are very tight bite and hold prey. Only newvenomous snakes have fangs. 

Lower jaw of a flexible solid. Two of the most jaw connected directly to the skull snakes, allowing them to increase the size of the mouth to swallow prey larger than its trunk diameter. A snake can swallow prey with a width of 4 times its width. 

A rattlesnake. (Photo:
Usually once a year, laying solid. Many snake species reproduce by laying eggs. Some species keep a fertilized egg in the body until they hatch and then tongues. Snakes usually choose warm place to lay their eggs. Snake bite teeth broken eggshell to emerge. Solid Snake despite the parents themselves live. Cobra own nest eggs and care.

The sea snake intercourse just once and sperm accumulate large enough for personal use for 10 years. 

Tim snakes can slip between 1 and 1.5 times out of normal position to prey can reach the stomach, because there is a sac surrounding the heart. 

Snakes move by contraction and relaxation of muscles along the body. They do not move fast, about 12 km / h should not be caught up with him.

Some species of snake capable of launching or flying more than 13 meters in the air. In the course of reporter / flying, bending itself into the shape of the solid S. solid majority Chrysopelea fly genus. 

Snakes do not have eyelids. Replace the mi are transparent scales to protect the skin. Solid bed opened his eyes and rolled back itself. If well fed, snakes can sleep all day, even weeks. Sleeping solid winter months. 

Snake venom is made ​​up of many enzymes and proteins. It may be a neurotoxin, or poison the blood.When caught the animal body, snake poison spread rapidly and destroy the nervous system or vascular system. King cobra can kill an elephant with a bite puffs. 

Snake venom is largely overlapping. But some species, such as expansion cobra, the venom can be closer to our positions 1,5 way to over 2m.
Toxic poisonous snakes in the glands located near the eyes. Solid emit toxins that do not cause skin lesions, but can become dangerous to the eyes and open wounds.
Some people die from snake bites every year up to 100,000 people.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

8 interesting things you may not know about the brain

The brain is always one of the mysteries, the most fascinating and complex exist in the universe. Until now, scientists have made strides in understanding the principles of brain activity, but still a lot of mystery about the control center of this amazing.

The brain has the ability to create consciousness and memory, which allows us to think, create, learn, control emotions and body functions.

The brain is always one of the mysteries, the most fascinating and complex exists in the universe

The brain does not feel pain

Although your brain is the main tool that the body uses to detect and react to pain, but in itself does not have pain receptors. This is why doctors performed brain surgery on a patient in a state of alertness. This helps them avoid critical areas causing brain damage.

So why do you still feel a headache? When people headaches, pain is actually the result of pressure on the blood vessels or nerve tissue around the brain, not the brain itself.

The doctor who performed brain surgery on a patient in a state of alertness.

When awake, the brain generate enough electricity to power a light bulb low

The brain contains about 90 billion nerve cells, continuous operation. When all the nerve cells together can generate enough power for a light bulb.

Brain more powerful supercomputers

If the human brain is a computer, it can perform billions of calculations per second 38,000 and approximately 3,584 terabytes of storage memory. Meanwhile, one of the most powerful supercomputers in the world - BlueGene - have the ability to calculate 92,000 billion operations per second and only 8 terabytes of storage. 
The brain can perform 38,000 trillion calculations per second

Divide the left brain / right still unknown

There are many concepts that are often left brain dominant people develop the ability to analyze and logically; right brain dominant people are likely to develop creativity and art. However, this claim has no basis. In fact, all activities are required connectivity between all regions brain.

Nerve cells transmit information to the brain at the speed of 241 km / h

When you touch a hot object, the nerve cells in the skin feeling transmit information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds over 241 km / h. Upon receiving the information, the brain transmits information back through motor nerve cells, to your hand to pull it away from hot objects. Motor neurons transmit information at speeds of over 322 km per hour.

The nerve cells in the skin feeling transmit information to the brain and spinal cord at speeds over 241 km / h.

When you learn something new, your brain structure changes

When you learn and practice an activity such as swimming or cycling, your brain messages transmitted repeated along certain pathways, this creates new connections. Your brain structure changes each time you learn something new, new thinking or new memories.

Cấu trúc não bạn thay đổi mỗi khi bạn học điều mới
Your brain structure changes each time you learn something new

Lack of oxygen for 5-10 minutes, permanent damage brain

After 5-10 minutes to lack of oxygen, you have the possibility of serious brain damage and incurable. Brain damage occurs after 4 minutes without breathing, then the brain cells begin to die. After 15 minutes of oxygen deprivation, life almost impossible.

Não là bộ phận chứa nhiều chất béo nhất trong cơ thể.
The brain is the part that contains the most fat in the body.

60% of the brain is fat

The brain is the part that contains the most fat in the body. Fatty acids decisions ability of the brain. To achieve optimum performance, you need to maintain a certain level of fat, if the body does not fall into the risk of high neurological disorders.
Post by huskydogfacts

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The basic information about the breed Husky

Husky is one of the breed dog sled myth of the coldest regions in the world. Let's explore the features of the line dogs are light.
Origins of the breed dog Husky
chó husky
Surely you've seen pictures of the uncle dog through pictures, or the famous movie?And sometimes, you just vaguely remember that it often living in the cold ground, but do you know the exact species of dogs have origins from? Through these materials has been studied, said the same dog Husky is derived from the Siberian cold land, a land is the birthplace of many varieties of dogs known throughout the world, and they are brought to the land Alaska's fine in 1909. in this area, the dogHusky and originally specialized in the same boss dog to work, pulling very effective, however, then the people here have adopted as the action indoor plants, and highly esteemed by many good characteristics of a dog beautiful. So dog Husky is also a species of dogs have a long life and to this day, they are still the boss in one of the typical animals of the Siberian very famous.
These characteristics of the shape, the shape of dog husky international standards
Like those dogs of the same line of dog sled originated from Siberia or Alaska as Dogor Samoyed dog Alaska, they all have the same characteristics similar structure some parts of the long hair, thick and good , or eye color. Especially Husky dogs have characteristics very similar to dogs alaska, for many people, if not observant they can easily be confused between the two types of dogs this. But no matter how hard, they each have their own character featured. Compared to dogs , the AlaskaDog Husky has a smaller body, namely males have a height of about 53 to 58 cm, the weight fluctuated between 20 to 27 kg, alone with the children of a height of 51 to 56 Cm, weighing from 16 to 23 kg. And we have the average age was between 12 to 15 years. With this kind of dog , the Husky their features not only the color but also have a special eye on the color of the dog , the color of the nose, ears ... Here we go deeper into each of the details of each distribution part.husky dog
The common eye color of a dog Husky
Breed dogs this beautiful appearance is very similar to the uncle dog wolf, the wild beauty sometimes be somewhat cold and exuded quite clearly shown through the eyes of a dog . With Husky, our eyes have diversified the eye color. and typically may include brown, blue, amber and can be a combination of 3 colors or can be chartreuse, green, brown or green. Eye dog husky almond shaped, slightly slanted eyes looked upward eyes seemed distant something very arrogant and cold is expressed through their eyes. With the Siberrian, they do not take too seriously the eye color of a dog Husky new color is good, but simply because they thought the eye color does not affect the ability of sled dogs . It is the most common eye color sanctifying in line dogs this. If you are selecting an uncle dogs , you'll love the most public eye color? Whether you choose the eye color might be, I believe, the look of those eyes will make you fall for him because what he coldly distant pride.husky dog
Characteristics and standards of the coat dog Husky
Similar to the characteristics of Alaskan dog , the coat of a dog Husky is also divided into two classes, and quite thick. Inherently type dogs often have to work in conditions of extreme cold to the extent of the Arctic region should be very thick coat them against the cold to him. Hairy dogs this type of waterproof, inside curly coat lightly and quite thick, Minh Mang, boss alternating folds together into increased resistance to cold of dogs . Topcoat color can have two, and no wonder if we see one area fur changes color from white to black, then white again. Undercoat shed 2 times a year or every time the seasons change. The coat has a wide range, from pure white to black. The different colored streaks on the head is considered to be popular and accepted. The following categories have colored: Black & White, Red & White (from orange to dark brown), Grey & White (from silver to gray wolves), Sable and White (last red orange with black feathers), color Agouti & White, pure white color. The coat of the dog Husky relatively important to the beauty, our health, therefore employers need to spend a lot of time to care for their fur every day, you can use a comb to brush we avoid by not care that their fur can be lumps.husky dog
Features ear and tail of the dog husky
Dog husky with slightly curved at the tip of the tail and the tail almost the same dogsled is usually very thick tail feathers, white cotton snow at the end of the tail. When moving, they drop tail hanging down. Also ear dog husky triangular, wool and always pricked forward as if listening, tracking something. Bristles at the ear is also very thick, and very soft.
Nose dog husky with what prominent characteristics?
Nose dog husky same compared to the same dog that's different and cool damp nose. In the type of dog has a features that are nose dogs can change color over time, a lot of the attention the dog has the nose to brown discoloration or pink due to the lack of light of the winter months, then come summer, can color the nose of dogsreturned to their original color. If you see your dog have a phenomenon like that, you do not get too worried anything, that's not a sign of illness head start, simply because it is a fairly prominent characteristics in the nose the uncle dog husky.husky dog
Breed dog Husky has personality like?
You can break anything when asked about the personality of the dog wolf? Certainly one thing that dogs embody the wolf is kept and hung my life. With a Husky aesthetically no different as much from the dog wolf, you think? Really you will feel extremely surprised when the dog husky with very gentle personality to humans. Also we are one of the curved dog is quite intelligent, very obedient owners. We live very affectionate with their owners even loves children, but they are a species so it is best that we should not let them close contact with young children. Husky is a species ofsled dogs , should have a good health, always full of energy and enthusiasm every time they are assigned to do work. Especially their sled work. It is running, and move as if it could be called innate species dogs , the If you are raising a pay dog husky,you should regularly dog exercise it, one day you can spend about 2 hours to walk along it. Certainly it would be very excited and feel the love and care that you're for it. Through some of the information above, you have somewhat of an understanding of the same dog husky. I am sure, will be a lot of people who are intending to be in his early to feed one baby is new! Why not ? You try to bring yourself to do your little one every day, and life will be more thought than that. You can pick up reading the sequel "The reasons why you should decide to pay to own a dog Husky"

How Husky dog - Husky coaching experience children & adults

As with charm, strength and endurance should Husky Dog made famous in the world. People often ask Husky first sight and want to "have" bought with them without knowing the difficulties of raising dogs than wild snow. Starting from the most basic conditions, climate, space for training, food, coaching experience, ... So are you the right person to Husky dog? This article will share how a dog Husky, Husky dogs especially children, in the environment of Vietnam.
How husky dog, a husky dog ​​training
Husky dog ​way
Climate is the most fundamental problem when a dog Husky environment in Vietnam. Husky capital perfectly adapted to the cold, the average temperature at minus five. So living in the tropical environment in Vietnam is both a challenge. To fix this, you start buying your uncle the Husky dogs (around 2-4 months of age), you should buy the cold season or the weather begins to cool easy to raise. These children are very sensitive to human Husky temperatures, they are subject to thermal shock and death if the outdoor play sunny 30 ° C.
Husky older children can succumb to heat better, but still need measures to cool in the hot sun shade, cool water, air conditioning or ice cream. "Eating ice cream?" You do not misread what! It sounds ridiculous, but the truth is that the snow as the Samoyed dog, Alaskan Husky are very fond of food and ice cream. It is both a way of cooling, just as adding water in hot weather.
cách nuôi chó husky
If you have one and want to pay so-bred Husky to Husky 1 above, then you need to calculate the Husky star dog will born at a time when the weather is cold or at least cool. A Husky children each year can lay two groups, each about 2 months pregnant, each group separated by 4-6 months.
Do exercise
Husky is a working dog, bred to be sled constantly tens of kilometers. We are always in a state of excess energy and should be running, playing. If trapped in the house for too long, you will be husky hyperactivity and become destructive, tear clothes, shoes, digging, barking constantly, ... So you should not be raising Husky if you do not give them out Exercise for at least 1 hour per day. This condition is essential to keep children docile indoor Husky.
If you have a large garden is so good, you can drop the Husky playing in the garden but to do really high fence. Husky is the master fugitives, they can jump over the fence higher, ample off leash, or tunneling to sneak away to play when you're not paying attention.
Husky dog ​​basically very little to eat because they are capable of extremely good metabolism. So we also have to feed nutrient-rich to meet the needs of the body. Husky domesticated as pets at risk of being skinny and malnourished, so dog owners prefer the food items available to buy from the supermarket. Food is pretty good (with dog) and can render them no, but lack of nutrition because it contains a lot of fillers and additives industry. Husky dogs, you should cook them at home to ensure nutrition. You can refer to the article details Choosing Husky dog ​​food.
Husky has a very close ancestor, the wolf, so we have wild instincts should be ranked very powerful and difficult to train dogs. Each Husky dogs tend to be loyal to one single master in your life, so if you want to get the cohesion and loyalty, you should be raising our children Husky since childhood. Basically, the training of voice and basic rules for Husky dog ​​similar to other large dogs, so you can refer to the article How Pitbull dog training. Husky dog ​​training should be done when they are young, about 3 months old, in order to achieve the best performance.
cách huấn luyện chó husky
Husky dogs also sociality, you should take you to places where there are husky Husky other children we communicate and play. Due to the predatory instincts of a wolf, Husky dog might chase small dogs or other domestic animals lead to lost, so driving is necessary wires to those who have not been trained Husky copies.